California Agricultural Steel Greenhouses Website Marketplace Launched

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Norcal Carports, a steel carport dealer in California, announced the launch of a steel frame greenhouse service marketplace website. The business website is designed for farmers who require extended growing seasons.

Steel high tunnel greenhouses are unheated structures that extend a farmers growing season by creating high tunnels and and cold frames to prevent freezing and damaged crops. These greenhouses are commonly used in warmer climates where the growing season is only a few months long. In the winter months, high tunnels are closed and secure with a plastic roof and a door for the cold season.

To learn about purchasing steel greenhouses, visit

Commercial cultivation and large-scale farming that require a large amount of square feet for the production of fruits and vegetables, can utilize hoop houses and plastic barriers. Hoop houses act as a non-heated greenhouse and affordable option for cold weather regions of California and Nevada. The area’s climate offers a great opportunity to produce high-quality, high-value crops, with a strong emphasis on flowers and fruits.

Greenhouse covers protect farming materials from rain, dust, and debris. Mini greenhouses & cold temporary storage frames buildings offer hobby growers solutions to growing year-around. Open-air steel greenhouse frames allow for a source of water, large tropical plants, protection from pest infestations, and optimal solar energy.

Norcal Carports offer multi-span greenhouses for farmers who require a large amounts of square footage of greenhouse space. Professional growers in regions with inclement weather can purchase a greenhouse with a roof and side panels.

Representative Alina H. from Norcal Carports “California is known for its agriculture and and farming industry. The state is also home to the world’s second largest wine-producing state. California wine and grape production have been recognized as a vital industry to the state’s economy for many years. Farmers who require an extension to the season may find Norcal Carports and its steel greenhouse designs as an economical solution.”

Norcal Carports, a steel carport manufacture in California, announced the launch of steel frame greenhouses for sale on a carport marketplace website.

Consumers can visit the link above to purchase a steel greenhouse from Norcal Carports..

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